In this part, the group travels from Harmkelen to Cherrydale.
Weapon of Cherrydale ( CC0)
The next morning, the heroes make their plan.
- The duchess knows my family, says Elkwin, so it will be easy for me to get in to see her, but I don't know if it would work if you all went along.
- Surely we don't all have to go along just to ask where Jaruslav has gone, says Rowena.
- I've never been to a duchess' house before, Mulziber says a bit disappointed, but I guess she won't let a Marascaner in.
- Ah you know, Mulziber, we can go see the town, says Irinja, we might learn something useful and anyway, Cherrydale is the richest town in the region because it is the seat of the duchy. You'll probably find it interesting.
- In summer maybe, Mulziber retorts, but right now it's really too cold outside. Thank you kindly.
- Ah, says Irinja, if that's all.
She wraps her arms around Mulziber.
- Let the goddess warm you.
A warm glow passes through Mulziber and he reconciles himself to the prospect of walking through the cold city. (Irinja used Guardian of the Swan)
- If you still get cold you can also put on my cloak, Irinja says and they set off.
Elkwin goes to the duke's tower and is let in by the guard as soon as it is clear that he is a Geestwindskoje.
- Ah, Elkwin of Geestwindskoje, the Twelve in greeting. How are your parents?
- The Twelve in greeting Marja. They are well, thank you. (It might have been better to use Rondra in greeting given the preferences of the Bronjars, translator's note)
- And what brings you all the way to Cherrydale? Shouldn't you be joining Linjan?
Elkwin's face tightens.
- Fresh graduates are not allowed to go with him. But I have been hired by a professor emeritus of the magician's academy in Festum. He fears Timpski might use violence against the Norbards to recover the Thorwaler Drum and has asked me and a few others to prevent that.
- Ah, you mean Wippflügler, I know him; intelligent man. And then you passed by here and thought, come, I'll pay Marja a visit?
She looks at him slightly mockingly.
- Well, we were pretty much following Jaruslav and we heard that he forced some goblins to go with him. These are actually friends of someone in our group and…
- Ah, Jaruslav. Yes, he did indeed give Timpski permission to enter the city here. I wouldn't have allowed him otherwise; after all, what is the guard of Festum doing here. And then my son arrived here with those goblins, for the amusement of his men. With them he travelled after Timpski (test of human knowledge: failed).
- So he went in the direction of Harden? Well, then I'll meet him there. Forgive me for not staying longer, but I would like to reach Stelnitz today. May I convey your greetings to Jaruslav?
- You may. And feel free to stay a little longer next time.
- I will. Thank you for the hospitality.
Not much later, they are all in the kaleschka. Outside Cherrydale, the road quickly deteriorates. Bumpier and also narrower than the well-maintained Born road they have followed so far. They have already left the river well behind them when from the forest come (1d6+2=5) five wolves. These have no interest in the kaleschka and its riders but all the more in the horses harnessed in front of it. Elkwin is already reaching for his bow.
- No, says Irinja, that won't be necessary, I hope.
She concentrates and tries to see which wolf is the alpha animal (test observation: QL3). It is the wolf in the middle of the group. She speaks to the wolf soothingly (animal calming: QL2). The wolf remains calm and the others too now lose interest in the horses.
- They won't stay like that for very long, and they become aggressive again if you shoot at them.
She says the last to Elkwin, who is still ready with his bow. Slowly, the latter now lowers it again.
- Drive on, Marja!
And so they arrive in Stelnitz this very day. It's a sad little place that exists only to shelter travelling troops between Cherrydale and Harden. As such, the only shelter is rather reminiscent of a barracks, equipped to accommodate large groups without any regard for comfort.
- Did Captain Timpski pass by here? Elkwin asks the innkeeper.
- Yes, says the innkeeper, and he has bought a dozen cows. He will need them too. He has about fifty mouths to fill.
There is nothing else to do in this village so the heroes go to bed early.