3 Hesinde 1039 FB

In this part, the group travels from Nivesel to Harmkelen.

Road from Nivesel to Harmkelen (Robak238 on Deviantart)
The next morning they set off early again. Olko lights a pipe; apparently his awe of Wippflügler goes so far that he wants to adopt this habit too. It is a special mixture that he plugs his pipe with.
- This makes time pass faster, he says, at least, it often seems that way. Besides, it promotes good conversation. You guys should try it, too.
(Roll d6, heroes try it on 3+. Elkwin: no, Irinja: no, Mulziber: yes, Rowena: yes).
Mulziber, enthusiastic as ever, is the first to take the pipe. He immediately has to cough from the pungent smoke. This leads to some hilarity but (test carousing (resist drug confusion): successful) he does indeed seem to get into a good mood. Rowena, accustomed as she is to herbs, takes the pipe too (trial: failed). Unlike Olko and Mulziber, she looks rather confusion (1 level confusion). Elkwin and Irinja turn down the pipe. As the kaleschka rolls on, Olko, under the influence of the intoxicant, starts telling hundreds of stories. How, in the temple of Rum and Grog, they had long conversations between students and goblins.
- It was so beautiful to see. Bruutsch at first did not dare go near Jääni at all. He was as shy as a little schoolboy. But when reciting poems, on the contrary, she always looked at him. Oh, we did have to encourage Bruutsch, our hero in socks. But with our help, he finally got a date with Jääni. And then we had to raid the costume closet of the drama society for a chain shirt.
The others look at him non-comprehendingly.
- Well, you should know that goblins wear a chain shirt when they want to propose marriage. O, how we celebrated when she accepted the proposal. But we also had good conversations. Did you know that according to legends, the immortal goblin shaman Kunga Suula made a timbal, strung with human skin? Or with goblin skin, it depends who you ask. But that timbal was so powerful that everyone was afraid of it. And beating on it could release awesome powers. And then, as we were celebrating Jäänis's yes with too much booze, she let slip that there is a goblin ritual for enchanting drums. When Mantka heard that she had talked about that she sent her to the Red Sickle.
This twist in the story makes Olko gloomy and he falls silent. Mulziber still wants to know if this ritual can also be used on the drum that is now in Harden, but the herb has worn off with Olko and he falls asleep.
- Wake up, sleepyhead, says Elkwin a little later, we are in Flower Field and we are stopping here for lunch.
With difficulty, Olko opens his eyes and climbs out of the kaleschka. Rowena is not having an easy time of it either. At The Wooden Spoon, they take a simple meal. Elkwin calls the innkeeper.
- Have some of my friends come by here lately? Timpski of the guard and Jaruslav of Cherrydale-Krabbwitzkoje?
- Yep, but not together if that's what you mean. Timpski had been here a few weeks ago. He had a leaden chest with him but even though they only wanted to have lunch they dragged that heavy chest in here. It must have been precious that they didn't want to lose sight of it for even a second.
- And Jaruslav?
- He was here a few days ago. He had a few goblins with him but they must not have been there voluntarily. He treated them rather badly.
After the meal, they move on again.
- That heavy chest, Irinja begins, would that contain money? After all, Wippflügler said they were going to buy back the Thorwaler Drum.
- It just might be, says Olko, clearly still depressed by what he has heard about the treatment of his friends.
- We'll get them released, Mulziber says.
Rowena sleeps on in a corner of the kaleschka. The remainder of the journey passes without incident and by evening they arrive in Harmkelen. It is another small place with no more than one inn, The White Bull. Here they take their evening meal.
- You would hardly believe it, says the innkeeper, but as small as Harmkelen is, Captain Timpski came here a fortnight ago to hire people. Even a stray Thorwaler!
- And Jaruslav?
- Oh, he came by a few days ago. I'm sorry but I don't really like him. Always troublemaking and unfaithful to his wife. Even though she is such a sweet baroness.
The heroes decide to stay the night in Harmkelen and cross the Born to Hulga by ferry early the next morning. When they ask for rooms, the innkeeper does not want to give Mulziber a bed.
- We can't cater to Maraskans, here. Norbards normally either, but of course for a Blessed One we are happy to make an exception. But you, he points to Mulziber, will have to sleep in the stable. Is nice and warm for you too, with all that hay and those horses.
Mulziber is used to such treatment and is already willing to comply. Experience has taught him that that is more effective than going against people but Olko gets furious.
- We pay well for your rooms, don't we? Do you want extra? Here, a few more batzes!
He hits the bar with his coins that the glasses are bouncing.
- And now if you don't prepare a bed for Mulziber and apologise I'll turn you into a newt. Well? Why aren't you moving yet?
The innkeeper is clearly afraid of the Adeptus and mutters an insincere apology. He goes to prepare an extra room but not until after taking the extra coins from the bar.
- Well done, Olko, says Rowena, I would have put a curse on him otherwise.
Irinja looks on, shaking her head.

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