- Prähnwart! Why aren't you on your way to the Red Sickle? And where is Jääni?
- She has been kidnapped.
- I will free Jääni and Bruutsch! Together with these folks, says Olko.
- So. Will you? Well, we'll see. As soon as Prähnwart has recovered, I'll send him out too. But who did it? Where was she taken?
- We don't know yet.
- Mantka, greetings, says Rowena.
Mantka immediately recognises in her another magically gifted person.
- Greetings daughter of Satuaria. What brings you here?
- Olko had told us we were going to Wippflügler. I didn't expect to meet you, but, do you know a certain Suulfried?
- Yes, of course. That's a leather merchant here. Has he caused you any problems?
- Not us. But he has falsely accused a boy and he is now in danger of losing his hand. Can't you persuade him to put it right? (Trial persuasion by Rowena: failed. Allow another trial by Mulziber: QL2)
Mantka sighs.
- This Suulfried always causes trouble. I'll make sure that at least that boy doesn't lose his hand. You said you are going to Wippflügler? That's a good man. He by no means knows everything but I have a lot of respect for him. Just like Satuaria's daughters for that matter. You are much closer to the source of life proper than those guild mages.
Olko protests: We also learn a lot about life. Our balsamsalabund for instance….
- No young man, that's not what I mean. Life itself. The land. Sumus! There are signs that the country is waking up, but you have to see them. It also makes people hot-tempered, as you saw with those riots around the Thorwaler drum. But, you must not keep Master Wippflügler waiting, and I must take care of Prähnwart.
When the heroes are outside again, Irinja asks in surprise: What did she mean by riots?
Mulziber replies: Six months ago was the usual tour with the Thorwaler drum. But this time the atmosphere was not festive at all. Everyone was leering at each other. Bornlanders at Maraskans, humans at goblins and what was said about Thorwalers… He doesn't finish his sentence.
- How can a country wake up, Rowena wonders, well in spring when everything starts growing again. But wait, I did see some plants that had grown faster than… at least… that's what I think.
Talking like this, they arrived back in the Hesinde village.
- I'll bring you in to Professor Wippflügler, says Olko, clearly proud of his position as favourite student.
- Ah, Olko, come in, sounds from the room.
When Olko opens the door, a smelly cloud meets them. It startles the heroes, but it is only the old magister's pipe.
- And who are your companions, Olko? It's just as well, by the way. I was just about to ask you to bring some people here to… but what are you wiggling impatiently?
- Jääni and Bruutsh have been kidnapped! says Olko, as soon as the magister stops talking for a moment to take a puff of his pipe.
- Hmmmm. Who are those?
- Two goblins. My friends. Prähnwart came to tell us.
- Prähnwart, hmmm? I've heard that name before. Isn't that an aide to Mantka?
- Right, that one. And Jääni was her pupil. But through my fault, Jääni has been banished to the Red Sickle.
The old magister holds up a hand, holding the pipe with the stem straight up.
- If it was your fault she should have banished you to the Red Crescent, not Jääni. That would be unjust and Mantka is not. What had she done?
- She had drunk too much.
- Hmmm. And?
- And told me something that should have been kept secret.
- What?
- No, don't tell it! brings in Mulziber, it was supposed to remain a secret.
The old magister smiles.
- Here we have a thoughtful person. Who are you?
- My name is Mulziber, I am a carpenter from New Jergan.
Wippflügler nods and then looks at the warrior questioningly.
- Elkwin of Geestwindskoje, third son of Count Arvid and a recent graduate of the Neersand academy.
Another nod and another questioning look.
- Rowena Firunkis, from the vicinity of Bangra.
- And?
- Witch, Rowena says somewhat uncertainly.
- Good. I am open-minded.
- Irinja Garkinen, Ifirn in greeting. I am a Blessed One of the Mild Goddess.
- Good. Now, about Jääni and ehh
- Bruutsch.
- Right, yes. Why did they kidnap him too? Had he been drinking too much too?
- He didn't want to be without Jääni.
- Ah, young people… goblins, he corrects himself.
- In any case… did Prähnwart also say who kidnapped them?
- It was Jaruslav of Cherrydale-Krabbwitzkoje. They were heading towards Harden.
- Just as I thought, says Wippflügler, now I will tell you why exactly I need people. Perhaps those outside Festum don't know, but it is customary to hold a circumambulation once a year during which the Thorwaler drum is beaten. This year that got quite out of hand. I would sooner see that whole custom go than come but Captain Timpski and some nationalist nobles want to keep the tradition alive. As a result, minorities like goblins, Norbards and Mulziber's people feel quite threatened.
Mulziber nods in agreement.
- The drum was stolen and brought to Harden by the Surjeloffs. It is there on the houseboats of three Norbard families. Timpski has raised enough money to buy the drum back, but
Wippflügler interrupts his account to re-stuff and light his pipe. But tempers are heated to the point where unpleasantness could ensue. And so, in the end, I need people willing to keep the peace. Are you prepared to do that? I can pay you, fifteen batzes per person. I can also arrange a kaleschka for you. Olko, with any luck, you will also find your friends there.
Mulziber is the first to open his mouth.
- I had to look for a new assignment anyway. And I am reasonably good with people.
- I go where I can bring warmth and where help is needed. So I'm going with you, says Irinja.
(Rowena, trial of willpower: failed… vindictiveness)
- The captain of the guard? I have a bone to pick with him over Wassiliy, Rowena says.
- As long as I don't get to go with Linjan, this is as good as any other use of my time, says Elkwin.
Half hidden behind a cloud of smoke, Wippflügler nods.
- Good. Olko, go find Marja and tell her you are leaving early tomorrow morning. She will drive the kaleschka, he clarifies for the heroes' benefit. Then I will now continue my studies. Greetings.
Mulziber must go home first to prepare for the journey; after all, he had come straight here from his last assignment. Irinja wants to visit the Winter Temple. There she meets Wulfen of Irberod by the pond. That the pond is not frozen now is no wonder because it is still autumn, yet the water feels distinctly warmer than might be expected.
- It is the warmth of the goddess, Wulfen says, thus strengthening us.
Together they sit silently by the water for a while, watching the swans swim stately back and forth.
- I go to the lakes near Harden, Irinja finally says, they must be colder. But it seems that people's hearts are actually heated.
Wulfen still looks silently at the swans. Then he sighs.
- It may be because of all the demonic woes with Borbarad and Haffax, but there is unrest in man and nature. May the Goddess help you guide the people.
Together, they enter the temple and have a silent ceremony. Strengthened, Irinja returns to the inn.

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