Prelude. 29 Boron 1039 FB

In this first part, the heroes are brought together and are urged to enter Festum to look for a certain Olko.

A view of a Bornisch city.

Elkwin and Rowena

Elkwin has finished his year of service in Trallsby and is on his way to Festum to sign up for the campaign under Linjan of Elenau. He hopes he can join this expedition although it had been announced that recent graduates would have no chance. Near Bangra, he thinks of taking some medicinal herbs with him. He stops a random person and commands him to tell him where he can find the witch he has already heard about. Impressed by his standing, the man points him down a path that leads into the forest. Quickly, Elkwin walks up to the witch's house and knocks on the door. The witch, Rowena Firunkis, is home and he asks her for medicinal herbs.

Mulziber and Irinja; then all together, then Elkwin alone.

With two careless blows, Mulziber drives the last nail into the wood. So, that bridge can last another while. He looks forward to his reward for the work done, but the anticipation is tempered by the knowledge that he will have to look for a new job again. But come now, first clean up his tools and celebrate tonight. At that moment, he hears rumbling above him on the deck of the bridge, followed by silence. It looks like someone has fallen. Carrying his carpentry box, Mulziber hoists himself up onto the bridge. On the road surface lies a goblin, bleeding and unconscious. Mulziber looks around, but sees no one nearby.

- Hey, he shouts into the void, What happened here?

A street away, someone looks back.

- Ah, it's just a goblin, the man says and walks on.

Mulziber immediately is annoyed. The Bornlanders look down on everyone; goblins, Norbards and Maraskans like himself.

- Focus your attention on what you can do, says a soft voice behind him. He had not heard the woman coming. He understands immediately that she is right. The goblin needs help and since no one else wants to do anything it is up to him to take action. Quickly he walks up to the goblin and examines him. That doesn't take long, his injuries are clearly visible.

- If it had been poison I would have known what to do with it, but these wounds need to be bandaged and I can't, he says to the woman who watches him intently. Can you?

- Not very well. We'd better take him to Rowena. That's the witch who heals people around here, she adds when she sees Mulziber's non-comprehending look. Together they pick up the goblin ( trial feat of strength +2: QL 1) and the woman goes ahead; apparently she knows the way.

- Ifirn in greeting. My name is Irinja, she says, I am a Blessed One of Ifirn. Mulziber flinches slightly,

I hadn't noticed that Reverend, he says in awe.My name is Mulziber.

- You couldn't really notice that either, because after all, as a Blessed One of Ifirn, I am not wearing an order garment. Careful now. Turn right here.

Soon they are at the witch's house.

- Rowena, Irinja says in a soft voice that nevertheless carries far, We've come to bring you an injured goblin. Can you help him? From he house come out not only the witch but also her visitor who is just tucking some herbs into his bag and buckling the straps again.

- He's in bad shape, Rowena says, I'll first… She concentrates, puts her hands on the goblin's forehead and mutters something (Balsam Salabund Heal Wound for 5 AsP. QL 2). After a short while, the goblin seems to lie slightly calmer, as if in a deep sleep. With deft hands, Rowena now starts putting herbs on the wounds and bandaging them. (Trial of healing wounds, QL 3)

- He will need rest now, Irinja, she says, but who did you bring? she looks at the Maraskan.

- My name is Mulziber, the latter introduces himself, I am a carpenter. This goblin fell unconscious on the bridge I was working on.

The guests are just about to leave when the goblin suddenly opens his eyes.

- Hhhhh, he groans.

- You need to rest, Rowena tells him but the goblin tries to get up, then falls down again.

- I need to… Rowena wants to push him down again but Irinja stops her.

- Let him speak up.

- Olko, says the goblin, They have Jääni and Bruutsh. To Olko.

- Who is Olko, Irinja asks softly, ignoring Rowena's perturbed look.

- Olko Knaak. Friend. In Festum. Kidnapped. Jääni. Bruutsh. Help. Then he falls back.

- I have to get back to Festum anyway and I'm in no immediate hurry, says Mulziber, regretting that he could have been on his way to the tavern by now.

- Me too, says Elkwin, and they are wounds from a sword. It could have been a warrior.

- Maybe we can carry him, Mulziber suggests but Rowena won't hear of that.

- Oh no. He really needs to rest now. Tomorrow he can walk by himself. You can sleep here in the village. Or with me but my hut is a bit small. Elkwin decides to try the crown governess's hospitality while Irinja and Mulziber stay with Rowena.

Elkwin walks to the crown fortress. A guard wants to stop him at first but as soon as she sees Elkwin's rank she steps aside and lets him in.

- The crown governess has just finished inspecting the troops.

Moments later, Elkwin is sitting with Gritten.

- I resent not being allowed to join the campaign against Helme Haffax, he says.

- Yes, I can imagine that, and I won't conceal the fact that I would have liked to go along too, but it's not appropriate to complain about decisions taken by your superiors. Elkwin nods; Rondrian views were instilled in them as Bronnjars.

- I experienced something weird just now, by the way. I was, um, he hesitates to say he was with a witch. Well, um, at the witch's to buy healing herbs when suddenly a Blessed One of Ifirn and a Maraskan dropped in with a wounded goblin.

- Witches, goblins, Maraskans. You keep strange company, mind you.

- But you haven't heard everything yet. When that goblin came to, he was ranting something about two others being kidnapped. They were apparently from Festum. So they might have civil rights. Well, I have to go that way tomorrow anyway. See if I can extend my service with the widder order or do something else honourable.

- Will you go back to that witch then?

- I did promise them that in so many words. And a Geestwindskoje does not break his word. Not even if it is given to such people.

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