Theatre Knights Campaign

The Dark Eye

The Dark Eye is originally a German system (Das Schwarze Auge) and has been around since 1984. We played it in its very first edition (in Dutch). At that time further expansions were promised but unfortunately these never made it to the market in the Netherlands. Now, in the time of internet and pdf's, I decided the time had come to reacquaint myself with the system and bought a bundle of holding with some 2300 pages of TDE. The setting is in Aventuria, a mid-sized continent conveniently containing all climes and cultures you might wish to role play in. Though magic exists and gods are real, it has a realistic, low fantasy feel to it. After forty years of development the setting is incredibly detailed, which is something that I like.
The names Das Schwarze Auge, The Dark Eye and various in-game names belong to Ulisses Spiele as do various illustrations that I have used unless otherwise mentioned. I do not claim any copyright on those. The writing is all mine; originally played in Dutch and translated using with minor edits. I did this to preserve the flow as played rather than being tempted to brush things up while doing real translations.

Theatre Knights and Bornland

Until some 800 years ago, Bornland was inhabited by goblins. The Theatre Knights, an order of knights following the warlike goddess Rondra, defeated the goblins and conquered the land. For a 'real world' inspiration of Theatre Knights, think of the Knights Hospitaller. The Theatre Knights ruled Bornland for some 200 years, becoming increasingly brutal and corrupted until the priest-emperors of the Middle Realm, followers of the god of light and justice, Praios, removed them from power. Despite this the descendants of the Theatre Knights, the Bronnjars, form the nobility of the land, proud of their heritage. There are still goblins living in Bornland, in its capital city of Festum they even have burgher letters, making them citizens. Furthermore there are Norbards, descents of a southern people. For a real world inspiration of those, think of Jews and Sinti and Roma (gypsies). Finally, in Festum there is a population of Maraskan refugees.

In this campaign, the heroes will take part in events in Bornland but they will also learn much of its background and discover secrets of the history of the Theatre Knights. The campaign starts in the autumn of 1039 after the Fall of Bosparan (FB). I arbitrarily chose 29 Boron for the start of the prelude.

The heroes

Player characters are called heroes in TDE/DSA. I start the campaign with four of them, all four locals from Bornland:
Goblin from Auka1100 on deviantart. Goblins will feature throughout this campaign.

The first adventure is The White Lake.

The start of The White Lake.

The group moves to Festum and finds Olko.

The group has an encounter and meets their quest giver. In two parts.

The group travels from Festum to Nivesel.

The group travels from Nivesel to Harmkelen.

The group travels from Harmkelen to Cherrydale.

The group travels from Cherrydale to Stelnitz.

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