Snaring a rabbit in the forest
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done why I was there
manufactory of it for important
where they smuggled it in
Sulphuric acid is one of
should remain here alone to
and the reporter allowed him
educate and we shall not
from the engineer made them
obtain this result it had
himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
He amused the engineer by
for asked the sailor impatient
islet and this became still
then going at a very
in his hand felt the
is an outlet by which
him and therefore straight towards
that sorrow Besides we will
he has a life to
eating they looked around them
invaded by convicts Neb They
the task of passing some
would not have been able
Mercy on the ice bridge
Curated snippets.
Sulphuric acid is one of
manufactory of it for important
from the engineer made them
would not have been able
obtain this result it had
is an outlet by which

Was there a problem with the seal in the pump?' Silas asked the engineer, 'It looks like the rubber has failed. How did that happen?' 'Sulphuric acid is one of the important substances in its manufacture', came the reply from the engineer, 'and I have not been able to make that. As a result we obtained an outlet by which the air could escape.' 'And I nearly drowned.' Silas wasn't sure whether he should be angry at the engineer, 'Next time don't experiment with my life, do you understand? We do need to explore the underwater for food and to find whatever it is that you need to build your miraculous machine that will see us home but I'm not ready to die for it. Any, I want to go explore more of the island tomorrow. And for now good night.'

Meta gaming So the engineer has a plan to get them home but needs something from the sea floor for that (note how I sneakily introduced that myself; somehow needed to keep things moving a little bit.) The engineer does make poor judgement calls due to unavailable materials.
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where they smuggled it in
should remain here alone to
and the reporter allowed him
educate and we shall not
himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
He amused the engineer by
for asked the sailor impatient
islet and this became still
then going at a very
in his hand felt the
him and therefore straight towards
that sorrow Besides we will
he has a life to
eating they looked around them
invaded by convicts Neb They
the task of passing some
Mercy on the ice bridge
name of the maker they
of the island is so
to his lodging where young
wings some superbly crested others
was enough to terrify even
last night it was too
brig we shall no doubt
to rabbits fled in every
that the rabbits themselves should
which the rabbits appeared to
the rabbits it was strange
that the rabbits themselves should
Curated snippets.
of the island is so
he has a life to
which the rabbits appeared to
eating they looked around them
him and therefore straight towards
that sorrow Besides we will
for asked the sailor impatient

'I am going to explore a bit of the island and see if I can get us something for dinner other than pigeon's eggs.' said Silas. He strung up a few snares on one side of a clearing and then made a wide berth around the clearing, trying to chase some animals into his snares. The island was alive with grass, which the rabbits appeared to be eating. They looked around them, saw him and therefore ran straight to their sorrowful end in the snares. Silas brought them back to the camp, where they were already asked for by the impatient Gideon.

Meta gaming I haven't really made a character for Silas as such but just rolled some fate dice to determine whether the hunt would be successful. It was and so I brought in 5 extra snippets containing 'rabbit'. Since we already established that Gideon is curious, by association I thought he would also be the impatient one. Not entirely logic, I know, but I'm not sure yet whether I want to introduce a sailor at this point. Or maybe Gideon is a sailor after all and not a reporter?
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where they smuggled it in
should remain here alone to
and the reporter allowed him
educate and we shall not
himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
He amused the engineer by
islet and this became still
then going at a very
in his hand felt the
invaded by convicts Neb They
the task of passing some
Mercy on the ice bridge
name of the maker they
to his lodging where young
wings some superbly crested others
was enough to terrify even
last night it was too
brig we shall no doubt
elevated in latitude Meanwhile Top
been so quickly done that
of Reptile end to the
he cried and fled like
three sticks from the trunk
burn without exploding Cyrus Harding
Curated snippets.
elevated in latitude Meanwhile Top
He amused the engineer by
last night it was too
the task of passing some
Mercy on the ice bridge
islet and this became still

'It's getting very cold', Silas remarked. 'Soon we won't be able to look for anything in the water at all.' 'It's because we are at a very elevated latitude', mused the engineer. 'but while last night it was too stormy for the task of passing the ice bridge to the islet on top, the weather has become still.' 'Then we shall cross tomorrow to the islet, if you think that we can find useful materials there to build us a brig.'

Meta gaming So, it's getting cold and we're far north (or south) and there's an islet off the coast of the island that looks promising. Let's see whether we can get there safely. Since we already know there is ice, I'll bring in a few lines extra with the letters ice in it.
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should remain here alone to
and the reporter allowed him
educate and we shall not
himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
then going at a very
in his hand felt the
invaded by convicts Neb They
name of the maker they
to his lodging where young
wings some superbly crested others
was enough to terrify even
brig we shall no doubt
been so quickly done that
of Reptile end to the
he cried and fled like
three sticks from the trunk
burn without exploding Cyrus Harding
was going on Ayrton was
plumage But if the rock
was situated on the other
make with one grain of
and seas they would be
Herbert almost overthrew him and
stranger pressed his hand over
25th of August Neb’s voice was heard calling
icebergs that we owe our
not fail to be rejoiced
icebergs that we owe our
The ice melted the snow
Curated snippets.
brig we shall no doubt
make with one grain of
three sticks from the trunk
plumage But if the rock
was situated on the other
The ice melted the snow
was enough to terrify even
and the reporter allowed him
then going at a very
been so quickly done that

'A brig we shall no doubt make with sticks and trunks but we need one grain of magnetite rock, which is situated on the other side of the ice bridge', said the engineer. 'That's what we hope at least,' sighed Silas, 'But let's go while the wind is not too strong.' The ice and the snow were enough to terrify even the reporter but it allowed them to go very quickly to the islet. 'And now let's hope we can find your magnetite', said Silas.

Meta gaming We made it to the other side of the ice bridge and are on the islet. The rock made me think of magnetite, since wood should be abundant on their original island; in the fist scene we saw that there is a forest. I'm getting a bit less literal with the snippets but I think still fairly close.
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educate and we shall not
himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
in his hand felt the
invaded by convicts Neb They
name of the maker they
to his lodging where young
wings some superbly crested others
of Reptile end to the
he cried and fled like
burn without exploding Cyrus Harding
was going on Ayrton was
and seas they would be
Herbert almost overthrew him and
stranger pressed his hand over
the oyster bed the warren
to give the positive proof
escaped him Neb who was
of his weight and that
climate as Sicily or Greece
that be possible Perhaps replied
under the name of Portland
hope no longer again to
your crimes That has been
bank of the river which
rock She was evidently not
were thrown from one rock
in the rocks and there
mouth vomited forth ignited rocks
a rock Herbert and Neb
Curated snippets.
Herbert almost overthrew him and
in his hand felt the
rock She was evidently not
of his weight and that
to give the positive proof
he cried and fled like
to his lodging where young

Silas picked up an unfamiliar looking stone. 'Hey, look, this stone looks odd'. The engineer almost overthrew him and felt the rock in his hand. 'It is evidently not of normal weight and that gives positive proof!' he cried, 'We can now go back to our lodgings'. 'Well, that went a lot faster than I had anticipated', says Silas.

Meta gaming And so ends our excursion to the islet, I think. I have the feeling that Silas should be much more active. I'll try that in coming sessions.
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himself and did not manifest
clever orang had been marvelously
invaded by convicts Neb They
name of the maker they
wings some superbly crested others
of Reptile end to the
burn without exploding Cyrus Harding
was going on Ayrton was
and seas they would be
stranger pressed his hand over
the oyster bed the warren
escaped him Neb who was
climate as Sicily or Greece
that be possible Perhaps replied
under the name of Portland
hope no longer again to
your crimes That has been
bank of the river which
Herbert with one while the
they easily passed round The
more wildness the fiords of
shrubs which belong to the
and to search the most
which is in truth saltpeter
last remains of a wreck
Curated snippets.

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