Episode 8

The thread in focus is: Find Han Fenhang. I had somehow forgotten that that's supposed to be a woman and so Han has undergone an involuntary gender change. I must have been really bad this time because I also introduced Yunru in this episode as if she hadn't disappeared. This I have edited out however. There's somewhat of a superabundance of events in this episode and I have not addressed all of them. The plot points rolled are:

  1. None
  2. Social tension set to boiling
  3. Bad decision whose? Cai Enlai
  4. Persuasion actor: Qiu Yue. Object? Wen Shirong
  5. Crash
A merchant eats his noodles in a taproom.

Oracle phase: What did Cai do, arrest weavers? 50/50: no. I take this to mean he arrested Xiao Chunhua instead. What is Qiu persuading Wen about? lie success. Since Qiu is reintroduced here and he has crahed his cart before, does the crash refer to him? unlikely: no + event: favours character Han Fenhang ruin environment it turns out I messed up the favour bit as well. Soit.

- Before looking for Han Fenhang, we should first thank the Buddha for the good outcome of Su Fu's ritual, Dong says. 'Also because in the temple there could be news of Cai Enlai and thus indirectly of Xiao Chunhua.'

She leads the way to the temple. As soon as she can do so with good grace, she asks if any news has come. Question: has a reward been brought? very likely: yes + event: move away from thread, create pleasures

- Come, sit down and have some tea with us. There is some news. Someone has come with a reward, as you predicted but there was also mixed news as well. The man who had sent the money, one hmmm … Cai, yes, that was it, Cai so, he had eventually made an arrest anyway under pressure from the guild.

- Xiao!

- Yes, that was the name of the arrestee I think. There was talk of a new anti-import measure she had violated. Question: is she dead? no way: no. Badly injured? very unlikely: no. Slightly injured? likely: yes 'She got off reasonably well; just some scrapes and bumps. The same cannot be said of Cai. The measure was revoked and question: did he lose his job? sure thing: yes. injured? likely: no! he lost his job, beset with disgrace. Well, at least he was not injured, but it did put things on edge. Question: did they give back the reward? sure thing: yes By the way, we gave him back the reward. Without a job, he really couldn't afford it anyway!

So they continue talking like this until it's already too late to search further for Han Fenhang. With a jolt, Dong springs up.

- Thank you for the tea and pleasant company, but we urgently need to get back to our patient.

Not much later, they are back at the inn where they had left Su Fu. Question: is he doing better? likely: yes. When they go to check on him, they see that fortunately he is progressing well. They give him a new dose of medicine; now he will mainly need rest. The doctor also comes to see how his patient is doing. Dong and Hou Fan walk with him to the taproom. Question: is he content? sure thing: yes.

- Within a day or two, he will have recovered. The medicine I prescribed is working well, he says as they walk through the taproom.

A lone guest looks up from his meal, 'You are a pre-eminent doctor, but you should be more discreet. If you bragged less about your successes, or even lied about them, you wouldn't attract the attention of the wrong people.' question: does Dong recognise him? likely: yes + event: character negative Su Fu impact physical

Hou Fan already wants to walk on, but Dong walks towards the man's table. 'But … you are the merchant … Qiu Yue!' question: does he recognise her? very likely: yes

- 'Yes, reverend, I am. question: is there any stock left in the temple? 50/50: yes + event: character positive Cai Enlai antagonise reality.

- I have just returned from the temple. So far, the system you had recommended is working.

- That's good news, but do you know the doctor very likely: yes?

- Yes I do. I often come to town here and when someone in our group is sick, we always seek out Doctor Wen.

The aforementioned still stands thoughtfully beside the table question: does he take the advice given earlier? 50/50: no!

- My thanks for calling me a good doctor. I have never celebrated my successes in silence before and I really had no intention of starting to do so now!

- You are quite familiar here in town, Dong says, we are looking for a certain Han Fenhang. She says the name softly so as not to attract the attention of other guests. Question: does Wen know him? 50/50: yes

- Oh, but I know him, says the doctor question: Patient of his? very unlikely: no + event: move away from thread, starting, pain.

- He lived near me. I could see him starting to feel pain, but apparently I'm not as good a doctor as your friend here thinks, because instead of coming to me he disappeared.

- But why was he in pain then?

- Well, he never allowed me to feel his pulse, but he had fallen off a riding horse. I don't think he ever really recovered well from that.

- And do you know where he is now?

- No.

- How long has he been gone?

- A week or two, but then again, that's not really unusual. He has been away for a long time before.

- When will he return do you think?

- Sorry, I really don't know.

next episode

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