The chaos factor increased to 4. This turning point will introduce a new plot line.
  1. None
  2. A character disappears (Yunru)
  3. Home sweet home (Yunru)
  4. Expert knowledge (new character)
  5. Lie discovered
What lie? That the money lender is in Xiangshan? 50/50: yes. Do they discover that while still in Nanxing? 50/50 no! so they only find out once in Xiangshan. Do they find the expert there? 50/50 : no + event: remote, usurp food (this fell by the wayside). Expert on? Carry reality -> taoist.
A Taoist performs a magic ritual.

Once again, the trio is on the road for some time, this time to Xiangshan. Fortunately, people are generous and enough lands in Dong's begging bowl to live on. Again, they ask a gatekeeper for the location of a moneylender ( Reaction+2:9).

Disturbed, the guard looks at her. 'I'm not here to show people the way. Move along!'

- Let's try in the East Quarter, says Yunru.

- Third street on the left, Dong adds. 'But I want to go to the temple first.'

- I want to get my sword sharpened, says Hou Fan.

- Let's meet at the fountain in three hours, says Dong.

(Question: is Hou Fan there? yes + event. Is Yunru there? no + event. Event 1: char negative, abandon, extravagance. event 2: char positive, dominate, travel. char 1: Hou Fan. Char 2: Hou Fan).

When Dong arrives at the fountain, Hou Fan is already waiting for her with a concerned face.

- What is it? Why are you looking like that? And where's your sash?

- I had to leave it at the blacksmith's. He wouldn't accept the coins from our prefecture as payment.

They wait a while for Yunru, but she doesn't show up.

- Do you know what she was going to do? (50/50: no)

- No, she didn't say, and I was too busy looking for a smithy to see which way she was going.

- We should ask some passers-by, Dong says and puts her money where her mouth is.

- (d6=) Sir, did you also see a young lady? About this tall, wearing such clothes? (reaction +2: 16. question: seen anything? no way, no)

- Good afternoon, Reverend. I wish I could be of service, but I haven't seen anyone like that today. But wait a minute … yesterday I think I did!

- That must have been someone else, sir. We arrived in town only a few hours ago.

- And you (d6=) ma'am, have you seen her? (question: has she? no way: no. reaction +2: 8)

- I don't have time for such things, you know. You should learn to pay better attention to your children.

- Maybe she went ahead to the East Quarter, Hou Fan says.

- Yes, she might be late. Let's go look for her there.

Amused, she notes that everyone is making room for the man with the grim face and newly sharpened sword (dominate travel). Again, the moneylender is not hard to find.

- Good afternoon. Have you perhaps seen a young woman who …, Dong asks (reaction +2:10)

- I never comment on customers, says the (d6=) woman, not unkindly.

- Oh, but it's a travelling companion. She had no money worries.

The woman looks at her in amazement. 'But … then why are you looking for her here?'

- Oh yes, Dong admits, of course that sounds a bit weird. But the thing is, we're looking for a moneylender who gave a loan to Qi Dan. The latter committed suicide, as a matter of fact, and so Yunru might have probably come here while I was in the temple because there is a curse on the village, you see?

- A curse in the temple? asks the woman, who had clearly lost track.

Dong does the story again, but this time a little more calmly. (Question: does the woman want to speak to them? unlikely because of reaction: no)

- Well, what a hassle it all is, the woman responds compassionately to the story, but I don't see what that has to do with me. Have a pleasant afternoon.

- There is another moneylender further on, Hou Fan remarks when they are outside again, maybe Yunru went there.

Dong looks both ways down the street as if that will help her find Yunru again and then follows Hou Fan to the other moneylender. There they tell their story again. (Reaction +2: 11. question: is the (d6=) man standing by them? 50/50: no)

- Good afternoon reverend. It's not every day that we get a nun visiting, he says, if you are in money trouble I will be happy to help you. For clergy, we have an extra-attractive rate.

- But Yunru … Qi Dan …, Dong says defeated.

- They are also welcome here. But if you don't want to borrow money then I have other things to do now.

- It seems like everyone has been ordered not to talk to us, says Hou Fan when they are outside again.

- That could be, Dong replies, that mysterious woman in the palanquin in Nanxing might have warned them. Illogical it wouldn't be either. After all, one of them gave that stone to Qi Dan.

Hou Fan looks thoughtful but when he has processed the double negative he nods in agreement. 'So we will have to change tack.'

- You're right, Dong says. 'There is a Taoist friend living here in Xiangshan. Let's visit him and ask what he can tell us about the Lanying Stone. But first, let's report to the guard that Yunru has disappeared.

At the guard, they do the story of their arrival, their splitting up and Yunru's non-appearance (reaction +2:14).

- Good afternoon reverend. Yes, of your arrival we have been informed by the gatekeeper. (question: does he know anything? unlikely: yes. Was he seen leaving the city? 50/50: no)

- That the three of you parted ways has also been reported. Let's see. 'nun to temple' that's you. ' fighter to smithy' you just said that too, and then 'girl to (recruit legal) one of the literati.' She was not seen after that. I'm sorry.

- Can you help look for her? asks Dong, impressed by the amount of information gathered about them.

- Of course, says the guard and escorts them outside.

(The visit to the taoist is a new scene, but 6: no change)

- Good afternoon, reverend

- Good afternoon (reaction +2:15)

- Will you take a cup of tea? That's a bit easier to talk to, the Taoist kindly invites. Dong suddenly realises that this is the first time in this city that someone has offered them tea.

- Gladly, she says. She feels herself calming down. 'Nothing better for a person than a cup of tea,' she says, breaking the silence. Then: 'When I was a novice, my teacher taught us about Lanyingstones. But I'm afraid I don't know much about it. Only that it is a kind of conditional curse that takes effect when someone fails to repay their loan.'

The Taoist nods.

- 'I think we have such a stone, here,' Dong continues (question: is the Taoist interested? sure thing: yes).

The Taoist springs up and takes the stone from Dong to study it intently. (question: does he see anything about it? 50/50:no)

- Yes, this is definitely a Lanying stone. That's right.

- Is it possible to see which lender issued it? (question: is it? unlikely: no)

- No, it is not possible to tell. But there is no need to. Surely the borrower himself will know?

- Well, you see, this stone was found with someone who had committed suicide. I honestly thought the curse would expire then, but a whole village is now haunted. (Question: is her assumption correct? very likely: yes)

- Indeed, that should have lifted the curse.

- So now we are looking for the lender to still repay the loan, but we don't even know where to look for them. (Question: can they ask Qi Dan? very unlikely: yes + event: character action, judge fame (Hou Fan))

- You are such a famous Taoist, Hou Fan interjects, do you know a ritual to ask Qi Dan himself? After all, his soul has not yet descended. That is, if you agree to travel back to our village with us, of course.

At that last comment, it becomes clear to him how unlikely that is and he slumps slightly.

- Oh, if his soul is still above, that is quite possible. From here, even.

Delighted, Dong and Hou Fan look up. 'Would … would you do that for us?' they ask. (Question: would he? sure thing: yes)

- Of course, but it's a ritual that takes almost two hours. You can absolutely not disturb me in the meantime. So first the information: his name was Qi Dan, on what day exactly did he die? … ok. And the stone here. Yes. You continue to sit here quietly drinking tea. Do not be alarmed if you hear noises; do not enter under any circumstances and tell all visitors that they are welcome again tomorrow. (question: will there be visitors? 50/50: yes. disgusting expose)

- Reverend, I have come to empty the chamber pot.

- I am sorry dear man. The master cannot be disturbed now. You will have to come back tomorrow. (reaction +3: 17)

- Of course, reverend. Please excuse me. (question: are there any sounds? likely: yes. Abandon hope)

After a while it becomes dead silent. No sound from outside still penetrates the master's house. Then Dong and Hou Fan hear sighing coming from the workroom. The sighs grow louder and then turn into groans.

- Is the master all right? asks Hou Fan startled, just when a screeching scream echoes through the door. Again, everything goes silent.

- Master had warned us about noises. So don't be afraid, says Dong, her despite in a whisper.

Now dull thuds reach them, followed each time by a grim groan. Louder and louder it gets until Hou Fan puts his fingers in his ears. After what seems like an eternity, the dead silence returns. Full of expectation, Dong and Hou Fan look at the door but it remains closed. Hou Fan wants to get up, but Dong stops him. With slow movements, she takes the kettle of water and makes a cup of tea for three people. Luguously, pouring the tea makes no sound at all.

Then there is a click, the door opens and with the master all the sounds return. Hou Fan breathes a sigh of relief. 'I had already given up hope,' he confesses, 'What was happening anyway?'

The master smiles faintly, 'Some questions are better not asked. Or if asked anyway, they are better left unanswered.' It is evident that the ritual has exhausted him.

- The backer is in Nanxing, he says matt (d6=) Her name is Han Fenhuang.

- How can we thank you …, Dong begins when Hou Fan blurts out, 'Nanxing? But we just came from there. That woman in the palanquin …'

- apparently lied to us about something, Dong finishes his sentence.

- Master, how can we ever thank you?

- No need, Dong. And from now on, just call me Su Fu.

next episode

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