Dong Liu — episode 5

Back to the single plot line of breaking the curse. I roll the following points:
  1. Meta: Character returns.
  2. Mysterious new person
  3. Nowhere to run
  4. None
  5. Public location

Oracle time. Does it happen in Nanxing? Very likely: yes+event: move away from thread, bravely, decisive. Since no character left, #1 is a new character: socialite, investigator. #3 is also a new character: dependent, beautiful, arrogant. Does the mysterious new person mislead the PC(s)? likely: yes. Is the char in #3 someone with debts? likely: no. A poet living in someone's household? very likely: yes. I'm not sure whether I can address all the hints. I probably didn't even introduce the new char from #1. Well, we'll see:

A foppish man jumps into the fountain.
After an uneventful journey, Dong, Hou Fan and Yunru arrive in Nanxing. As they had not received any information beforehand about moneylenders in the city, they ask the gatekeeper again. (response +2:15).

- Good afternoon reverend. I won't ask why you need a moneylender, but you can find them in the East Quarter, third street on the left; you can't miss it.

- Thank you kindly, Dong says, reflecting on what a blessing it is that all cities have the same model. Without further questions, they find a money lender's office in the east quarter. (Question: is the money lender present? very unlikely, yes. response: 11. question: is it the socialite? unlikely: no. The mysterious new person? 50/50: yes. For the MV2 behaviour test: disposition 6 moderate). When they get there, they see a woman keeping her face in the shade, busy feeding her birds.

- Good afternoon ma'am, Dong greets her kindly. May we ask you something? You are a moneylender, aren't you? (disposition 4, passive)

- That's what it says on the door, the woman responds somewhat stiffly and proceeds to encourage her birds to sing.

- Right. I was wondering if you know an acquaintance of mine. A certain Qi Dan.

- What business is it of yours who I know or don't know?

- I ask because he committed suicide. We think because of debts.

- Hand me that birdseed if you don't mind. At a hint from Dong, Yunru reaches for the requested item.

- He had a Lanying stone with him, Dong says, with little hope of another response.

- You don't give up, do you? Now if you insist on sticking your nose into things that don't concern you, come to the fountain in an hour. The woman carries the birdseed inside and slams the door behind her.

An hour later, they are sitting by the fountain.

- I don't feel comfortable, says Hou Fan, that woman was so unfriendly. What if she tries to lure us into a trap?

- Ah well, says Dong. We are in the middle of public space.

A moment later, a couple of servants with a palanquin come running into the square. They put the palanquin down near the fountain and a muffled voice sounds from behind the curtain: Good to see you here. The man you were talking about did not get his stone here in Nanxing but in Xiangshan. He had fled there because he could no longer pay his creditors here.

The servants pick up the palanquin again and before Dong can ask anything they are already on their way. (test perception fails; if the woman was lying Dong has not realised it) (question: is the other new figure also coming to the fountain? very likely: yes, question: what is he fleeing for? focus: Dong Liu, historical Exterior. d6=man, question: has he ridiculed people to the extent that he has to flee? likely: yes)

Dong is just about to suggest going to the temple when a man comes running into the square, looking around nervously. Judicial officers run after him and angry people come running from side streets from left and right.

- Help me! he shouts desperately.

- Go to the temple, they won't bother you there.

- I am not welcome there!

- Then jump into the fountain, Hou Fan jokingly shouts and to his amazement the man promptly does so, much to the detriment of his fine clothes. His pursuers stop and point at him and then start laughing uncontrollably.

When all his assailants have run away, the man says again: help me!

- How, Dong asks.

- Everyone hates me because I write mockery poems about them.

- Well, we can't help that anyway. Let's go to the temple (question: is the reward from the previous episode there? unlikely: no).

Dong does her prayers and tells the cleric that someone may come with a reward. She offers that it can go into the collection box of the temple here. Then the three set off for Xiangshan.

next episode

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