Dong Liu — episode 3

For this episode I rolled a new plotline! And the following plot points:
  1. Friend focus
  2. Hunted
  3. A work related gathering
  4. Rescue
  5. None

In #1 a new character (Xiao Chunhua) is a friend of Yunru. Also, a new character in #2: connected to the plot line, fighter, crafter, powerful. I rule that this is also Xiao Chunhua. In #4 again a new character: organisation, engineer, colourful, primitive. The colourful makes me think of silk, so it's the silk weaver's guild.

A silk weaver at her loom

Not knowing which lender they should have or where to find them, Dong, Yunru and Hou Fan decide to first go to the prefecture capital to ask any of the lenders for information.

Without any significant incidents, they arrive in the city. Since it is not immediately obvious for a nun on a begging expedition to look for a moneylender, she lets Yunru do the talking. At the city gate, she asks the gatekeeper where she can find a moneylender. ( reaction: 13) 'So young, and already money problems? Madam, I would advise you to live a moderate life,' begins the (d6=) man shaking his head but friendly. 'Anyway, you can find a moneylender in the east district, third street on the left. Can't miss it.' Thanking the man, the three walk towards the east district when they see a gathering on the street in front of them.

Angry people are calling for action. As they cautiously approach — they have to pass them after all — it becomes clear that they are silk weavers. As those are not usually known as rioters anyway, Dong asks one of them what's going on (response+2: 14) 'Ah Reverend, we had things so good here with a weavers' guild, but now everything is being destroyed by people dumping cheap silk from outside here below the set price. The magistrate must take action to protect us.'

'Oh, I can imagine that,' Dong says, 'the best thing would be to levy a surcharge on silk from outside.' 'Whatever,' says her interlocutor, turning his attention back to the group meeting. 'That Xiao Chunhua is the worst,' he informs them as a final note before turning away from them again.

Dong wants to walk on but Yunru remains standing as if nailed to the ground. 'What is it Yunru?' 'Xiao Chunhua … silk trader … I know that one. Know very well even. She is my friend.' The meeting gets noisier. It is clear that not everyone thinks the matter can be settled with a levy. Hotheads call for 'setting an example'. A group of people who clearly do not look like craftsmen offer to do something, obviously for a reasonable fee. (Does Yunru want to warn her friend? very likely: yes) 'We have to do something,' says Yunru, 'They will do something to her.' 'Yunru, we have no time to lose. Your fellow villagers have no food. And what if something happens to us?' 'But Chunhua is my friend. Then let me go alone. Go with Hou Fan, teacher Dong.' So Yunru sets off to warn her friend and Dong and Hou Fan continue their journey to the east district.

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