Episode 12 — Ending

This episode addresses the most logical plotline. The plot points rolled up are:

  1. Enemies (character: Dong Liu).
  2. Ill will (subject: Ye Qingge, object: Qi Dan).
  3. Headquarters (not rolled: Ye Qingge).
  4. A needed resource is running out.
  5. Character harm (subject: Xiao Chunhua, object: Qi Dan)

Who is Dong's enemy? some confused rolls. Probably Xiao Chunhua since she calls her busybody. Why does Ye bear Qi Dan ill will? 'delightfully fast'. Does it mean she thinks he squandered her money? 50/50: yes. Did Xiao win money from Qi Dan? Likely: no. Did she cause him to become a gambler? Very likely: yes. Why didn't they find a trace of Qi Dan earlier on? 'roughly healthy'. Dunno what that means. Had he only arrived shortly before? Likely: no. Was he so hated that nobody wanted to talk about him? Very likely: no. Ye Qingge wanted to solve things herself? Sure thing: yes. What resource is running low? 'rudely festive' To do with the moon festival? Very likely: yes. Wine? 50/50: yes.

Four people. A Buddhist nun. A silk trader. A moneylender and his wife. Drinking tea in the garden.

- Quickly, we have to go after her. That curse must be lifted, Dong and Yunru shout.

- Who knows where she lives? You, Chunhua? She's your friend (reaction:8; persuasion, diplomacy -3: succeeded).

- Right. And you stay away from my friend! bitches Chunhua.

- But Chunhua, I am your friend too, says Yunru softly, but my parents are sighing under a curse, my sister has nothing to cook, my nephew is hungry. Even though they are innocent.

- Let us just pay off the debt, Dong says, What should happen to Ye Qingge and Han Fenhang next is for you to decide. Though I would hope she never uses such stones again.

Chunhua looks from one to the other. Finally she gives in.

- Okay, follow me. But only (1-2:Dong, 3-4:Yunru, 5-6: Dong and Yunru) Dong.

Quickly they walk through the deserted streets. Songs or the occasional drunken scream still come from a few houses, but most of them are already dark and silent. Moments later, they are standing in front of Ye and Han's fence.

- Let me do the talking. Me they know. And, loudly, 'Please, open up. It's me. Xiao Chunhua. I … I come to bring another door gift from tonight' she adds rather improbably. (Q: Is the gatekeeper opening? 50/50: yes)

- Oh, it's you. Yes, you are allowed in, but I am absolutely not allowed to let anyone with weapons in.

- Dong here is a nun. She won't hurt a fly.

- Follow me. (question: Are they walking past the sedan chair? Very likely: yes) (perception: passed)

As they walk past the carriage house, Dong sees the sedan chair. She takes another good look. Yes, there is no doubt; it is the palanquin from which they had been addressed at the fountain. (Question: is Ye Qingge at home? Sure thing: yes)

Moments later, they are standing in front of Ye Qingge. An irregular footstep announces the arrival of the injured Han Fenhang.

- I only brought this busybody here because Yunru asked me to; that's a friend of mine, Chunhua says by way of apology.

- I don't know what all happened here, Dong begins, but I do know that an entire village is sighing under a curse that can be lifted by simply handing this bag to the right person. I think that's you, Han Fenhang. (Q: Is Ye Qingge doing her story? Very likely: yes!)

- It is indeed my husband who should take it, says Ye Qingge. (Question: will he take it? Very likely: yes) Give it to him first and then sit down.

Relieved, Dong gives the repayment to Han Fenhang. Mechanically, the latter counts the money and then nods approvingly. Servants meanwhile carry out a table and four chairs.

- Pour us the good wine! Han orders.

The servants fall to their knees, 'Lord, it was used up at the autumn festival celebration. In fact, we are completely out of wine.'

Han Fenhang almost explodes and is already about to get up to spank them, when he sits back down with a face twisted in pain.

- It is kindly offered, says Dong, who pretends not to have noticed, but of course, as a nun, I don't drink wine. A cup of tea, please.

- You heard her, Han growls at his servants. Tea for all four.

- It all started last year, Ye begins when tea has restored calm. (Ask: What was Qi Dan before? Inquire ideas)

- Qi Dan came here as a private teacher. Xiao here then taught him to play Mah Jongg. He didn't even know that before. But as a result, he came into contact with all sorts of unsavoury people. Han and I lent him money several times, but he always squandered everything without ever paying us back. A month ago we had had enough. Out of the goodness of his heart, Han had given him one more loan on condition that he would leave the city and do something useful with that money as start-up capital. To reinforce this, we gave him the Lanyingstone; so that he would stay on the straight and narrow.

- So that's how he came to Yunru's village.

- Right, and there he apparently spent the money again on wine and bad women, the nitwit!

- I think you are mistaken. It was Mah Jongg. The villagers said he played like a madman. I think he was possessed by a demon … but now King Yama doesn't want him, she adds sadly.

- It could be true what you say. If we had known he would commit suicide because of it. And that a whole village would be cursed … And that while we were doing it to help him; to give him a backbone. Later, when you came here, we were so busy with that stupid weavers' guild. Who were busy making our trade … well, Yunru's trade but funded with our capital, so to destroy that trade. We couldn't deal with that Qi Dan as well; we had already written off that loan as lost. I … I am afraid I have sent you on a wild goose chase. You heard me from the sedan chair …

- I saw it standing in the carriage house. I recognised it.


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