Episode 10

The plot points for this episode:

  1. Conclusion: Find Yunru
  2. Disarmed: Xiao Chunhua (import ban again? Sure thing: yes)
  3. None.
  4. Used against them (Qi Dan)
  5. Stop that! (character: Su Fu. Stop what? work good. Stop who? Yunru)

Where do they find Yunru? 1-4 village 5-28 Nanxing 29-76 prefecture 77-100 Xiangshan.7: prefecture. Is Su Fu following them? now ay: no. Yet another ritual? very unlikely: no. Is an object involved? likely: yes. What? deliberately feeble release ambush.

A Buddhist nun hands her disciple a mysterious vial.

The next day, Dong Liu and Hou Fan go again to see how Su Fu is doing. (Question: is he doing better? Very likely: no). Despite the medicine, he relapsed during the night and looks extremely tired…. (Q: Did he dream of Yunru? 50/50: yes).

- Last night, half asleep I dreamt of your pupil, Dong. She is in the capital of your prefecture, Fengyuan. What she's doing there I don't know, but she'd better stop. I know she means well. Here …', he fumbles in his sleeve, 'give her this pottery bottle. If she smashes it her assailants will flee.'

- Oh, this chases away all assailants?

- Only Yunru's. Only on this special occasion.

Meanwhile, Dong Liu finished mixing a new portion of medicine.

- 'You shouldn't tire yourself out either, master. Here, drink this and then go back to sleep. Doctor Wen will visit later today, but Hou Fan and I are going back to Fengyuan now.'

And so leaving Su Fu behind in his bed, we find Dong and Hou Fan back in front of the gates of Fengyuan.

- Let's first ask the gatekeeper if he has seen Yunru, Dong suggests, with the thorough knowledge of the guard in Xiangshan still fresh in his mind. (reaction +2: 10) (question: seen Yunru? 50/50: no)

- Tan Yunru? No, we have no report of that, Reverend.

- Oh, but her friend then? Xiao Chunhua (question: seen XS? Very likely: yes + event: character positive: Han Fenhang, abuse tension (he made a lot of money from people who were in money trouble due to the strikes/smuggling))

- Xiao Chunhua? Yes, of course. (Question: is she still detained? no way: no)

- After her release, she has been resting at her uncle's house. Most likely you will meet her there (question: yes? very likely: yes).

Not much later, they arrive at the uncle's house. When they say that Chunhua's friend Yunru is a disciple of Dong, they are taken to the aunt and uncle. (reaction +2: 11)

- 'Good day, reverend,' they greet Dong, completely ignoring Hou Fan. 'You are lucky. Chunhua is allowed out of bed again just today. To celebrate, we are having a big banquet tonight. (Question: is Yunru coming too? likely: yes) Your disciple will also come.'

That evening, Dong comes to the banquet. She did not have a new dress with her, but her dress has been brushed out vigorously to make it somewhat presentable. Hou Fan is directed to the servants' quarters. Moments later, Yunru also entered. She is dumbfounded to see Dong here.

- Teacher Dong! How did you get here?

- With some luck and wisdom. Mostly luck. But I'd better ask you why you suddenly disappeared. (attract intellect. 1-4: Xiao, 5-6: village. Village)

- I had to return to the village to help my fellow villagers organise the food distribution.

- But surely that had already been arranged? And why couldn't you let us know you were going back (oppose pain)?

- I'm sorry, Teacher Dong, but I was so worried and our investigation seemed to be going nowhere.

- So you lost courage. Courage lost, all lost, Yunru, remember that.

Yunru meekly bowed her head. 'Yes, Teacher Dong. I had wanted to send a message but didn't know how to address it.

- Well, enough. I have something here for you …' Dong takes out the vial. She wants to explain how she got it but just then the first course is served and their attention is completely claimed by the food. Even though Dong and Yunru skip all meat dishes, there is still plenty left over. Xiao Chunhua also comes to the table and exchanges a few pleasantries with Yunru (question: Does she know that Yunru put up for her? 50/50: yes).

- Thank you for sticking up for me, Yunru. Fortunately, that measure has now been reversed and we can trade again. But today, banquet first. The great benefit of the living!

- That's true, Dong thinks to herself. Qi Dan is excluded from such corporealities, but hasn't forgotten them yet. Poor soul. (Q: Will the new measure be announced now? very likely: yes)

They are rudely disturbed by a loud shout from the street. It is the city crier going around: 'New rules. Goods produced in the city can no longer be imported without a special permit. Good news for all artisans. New rules …'

Chunhua's face tightens, 'That was short-lived. It did spoil my appetite, though.' Angrily, she gets up and goes to her room.

Yunru goes after her but returns a moment later. 'We'd better go.'

On their way back to their inn, they are surrounded by a group of unsavoury folk. 'There we have that slut who stands up for smugglers,' snarls one.

- Have you no respect for teacher Dong, Yunru asks shocked.

- That bald one with the tent dress?

- Hello miss, walking the streets alone so late? says another meaningfully.

- Throw the bottle on the ground, says Dong.

- Eh? what?, says Yunru who does not immediately understand.

- The bottle I just gave you. Smash it.

Yunru doesn't immediately see what good that's supposed to do, but she doesn't feel like contradicting Dong.

- Stop! Quit! she screams at one of the people who stretches his hands out to her and smashes the bottle on the ground with a furious motion. There was nothing in it; no liquid, nor does it release any smell. Still, their assailants flinch and flee. 'Exactly as Su Fu had said' Dong says in amazement and tells Yunru the whole story.

next episode

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