The adventure seed a.k.a. Session zero.

I wanted to play a Buddhist nun called Dong Liu in an adventure taking place in some fictionalised China in an unspecified era. With this in mind, I rolled the following plot points:
  1. A meeting of minds
  2. None
  3. It is your duty
  4. None
  5. Home sweet home

The first point obviously needs a new character and somehow or other I came up with 'frightened student'. Probably from the tables in the book. In plot point #3, I also rolled new character and that was a fast gambler. I thought frightened could refer to a curse, which I gave the name Lanying. I couldn't quite get the story for that, so I fooled around a bit with openai and suddenly it all fell into place.

Dong Liu speaks to Tan Yunru over tea at the Fragrant Blossoms temple

Dong Liu is drinking her afternoon tea at the Temple of the Fragrant Blossom when Tan Yunru walks up. Yunru is a youth from a village a little further away who is learning to read and write with her. 'Good afternoon, Yunru, come in. Help yourself to tea. You know where everything is.' When Yunru sits facing Dong with a cup of tea, Dong asks: 'How far have you got with writing out the lotus sutra? If you have finished that already, it probably won't look very neat, but otherwise I wouldn't have expected you yet.' 'I haven't finished it yet, Teacher Dong, but that is not what I came for. Something has happened in our village, you see.' 'What happened?' 'A stranger came to the village recently who seemed addicted to Mah Jong. He wanted to play with everyone, losing money to everyone. In the end, he had lost everything and then hanged himself. Among his things, we found something strange, a black stone cut in the shape of a coin, complete with a hole in it. Since then, since then, the goats have stopped giving milk, the chickens don't lay eggs and the rice in the fields is slowly turning brown. We don't know what it means and what to do about it.' 'Hmmmmm, this is more of a question for Taoists, but I think I know. That stone is a Lanying stone. It is sometimes given by an Ah Long to a customer along with a loan as a warning: if the loan is not repaid, the borrower and all those he deals with are cursed. Because the money circulates in your village, the curse has spread over the village. You will have to repay the loan of that unfortunate gambler. Only then can he descend to the kingdom of the dead and you will have peace again.' 'Is he not in the kingdom of the dead by now?' asks Yunru, startled, 'we made all the sacrifices for him because he had no one else.' 'That was right of you to do that, but no. As much as he wants to, he is held back by the curse of the Lanying Stone.' 'We cannot leave our village. Can you go for us?' 'I have to go on begging trips anyway, so I will be able to. But you have to bring me the money you won from that ehhhhh' 'Qi Dan' 'from that Qi Dan. And also that black stone.' 'But the people in our village are poor. They can't afford such a high price.' 'High price? Money they haven't worked for?' 'You are right, of course, Teacher Dong. I'll be back here as soon as possible with the money and the stone.' With those words, Yunru takes her leave.

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